Friday, April 18, 2008

Journal #9 - Another article from T H E Journal

Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning?

by Dave Nagel

This article discusses important issues in regards to technology in education. Is technology helping or hurting? The answer is; It is helping. With this in mind, why are not students using more technology in the classroom and in relation to assignments for/from school? You do not think this is the case? Read what a survey of teachers revealed, " present, only 11 percent of the teachers surveyed said they were presently using an educational game in their classrooms." This is the reality that has to be dealt with. What is the accurate reality of administrators, IT departments, school and/or district policies, and parent's concerns and, unfortunately, their ignorance about technology and its implications.

1. How can schools and teachers better inform and educate parents regarding technology in the classroom?
Teachers and schools can hold a meeting at the beginning of the school year, or each semester, to inform and update parents in regards to technology. The purpose being that when issues or events are broken down into more manageable pieces, they do not seem so daunting and overwhelming. Through this approach, parents can get their heads around these things, understand better what their children are dealing with and also, possibly, use it to get more involved with the school and their own children.

2. How can teachers get administrators and IT departments to be more cooperative and less restrictive?
One way, and this is just one of many mind you, that teachers can accomplish this is to be more active on advisory boards and other such types. Teachers not only need to be involved in teaching their students, they have to at the very least, be aware and active in the issues that are of importance. Many teachers seem to complain about things, but when it comes time to put forth effort and make a stand as it were, they do not.