Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Journal #7 - Wikis

Definition (per Wikipedia): A wiki is software that allows registered users or anyone to collaboratively create, edit, link, and organize the content of a website, usually for reference material. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. These wiki websites are often also referred to as wikis; for example, Wikipedia is one of the best known wikis.

The main thing that I could ascertain from this threaded discussion is that the majority of respondents actually were already using blogs and only used wikis in very limited applications. Some did have some interesting feedback though. One was inanely thwarted by a Napoleonic 'tech administrator'. As he puts it, "Reasons my tech administrator will have nothing to do with blogging and wikiing".

Other than that, the sensible people were in agreement, that both wikis and blogs can be used together. The important thing, as one other person said was each, wikis and blogs, have their own characteristics and advantages, we just need to figure out our own needs and match them up with the platform that best suits and meets those needs. Wikis and other Web 2.0 tools are very new, even for many people who consider themselves "on the forefront of the Internet".